Intensive website construction for Beijing Municipal Government

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In 2019, Capinfo won the bid for intensive website construction for Beijing Municipal Government. With a view to make government information “searchable from one website”, government services “available from one website”, interactions “possible on one website”, construction, operation and maintenance “controllable on one website”, we designed a generally coordinated, transparent and efficient intensive government website for data interchange, information sharing and precise service provisioning in Beijing by unifying government information resources. We migrated all websites of Beijing municipal government authorities to this platform. In addition, we redesigned all government websites of Beijing, unified webpage styles and optimized user experiences. We also unified operation and maintenance regulation, posting, security protection and information resource management on the website, thus fully making information release more standardized and timely. We created a Beijing model for intensive design of government websites efficiently and up to high standards. Since 2019, we have won the bid on this project for 3 consecutive times. We have promoted development in integrated e-government construction and government big data all over Beijing. We have built a platform for making government affairs fully open, an authoritative platform for releasing and interpreting policies and guiding public opinions. 


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