Application of digital collaborative innovation cloud for domestic funded and state-owned enterprises

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(I) Summary of the proposal

Dependent upon domestic independently controllable, safe and trustworthy cloud, we build digital collaborative innovation platforms to provide basic, common and standard capacity-building support such as big data, blockchain, IoT, artificial intelligence and digital twin. We promote deep integration of digital technologies with state-owned enterprises’ management, control, research, development, design, production, operation, operations management and user services. We deeply explore new joint infrastructure construction and sharing mechanisms across industries, fields and areas. We promote our elaborate control, smart production/operation, integrated operations management, agile user services and ecological industry collaboration in a coordinated manner. In our proposal, we focus on three elements, namely construction of a solid digital foundation, combined use of supporting capabilities and diverse suitable scenarios. In practices, we actively promote collaborative and creative cloud services for domestic funded and state-owned enterprises. We have provided services for multiple state-owned enterprises.


(II) Advantages in technical products

In terms of solution-based holistic design, we mainly exhibit four prominent advantages as follows, which will bring high value and good experiences for our customers.

1. Independently controllable, safe and credible. With our focus on Chinese “cores”, we widely use “multiple cores for one cloud”, which are compatible with domestic and traditional architectures. Complying with laws and regulations about classified cybersecurity protection, critical information infrastructure protection, data security protection and password protection, we attach importance to collaborative protection of clouds, edges and terminals, establishing an integrated security protection system.

2. Drive business growth with data. In close combination with our development strategies, industry features, business pain points, business models and application scenarios, we create personalized solutions based on digital collaborative innovation platforms. We provide solutions on data governance and middleground to support integration of multi-source heterogeneous data, have external and internal data interchanged, deeply explore value of business data, analyze and evaluate data security risks, promote data and business integration, bring roles of data-driven elements into full play as “multipliers” and enhance value effects of digital transformation.

3. Provide one-stop services and accompany growth: We provide one-stop professional digital services such as cloud-network integration, data analysis, artificial intelligence and business applications instead of unitary products and services. Our proposals cover all of our business scenarios, including corporate control, research, development, design, production, operation, operations management and user services. We accompany our customers in their full lifecycles of development, which include digital transformation, cultivation, expansion, integration and reconstruction.

4. Create ecology and cooperate for win-win: We bring roles of digital collaborative innovation platforms as bridges and in empowerment into full play. We get leading enterprises in the field of critical technologies (including big data, blockchain, artificial intelligence and digital twin) and multi-field solution providers together to build ecological partnerships with each other for joint diverse constructions, reciprocal complementation, cross-border integration and cooperation-competition for symbiosis, to facilitate coordinated innovations of domestic funded and state-owned enterprises together.


(III) Representative cases:

Cloud platforms for creative development of state-owned enterprises in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei Province: As a cloud service provider building “cloud platforms for creative development of state-owned enterprises in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei Province” with the support of State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of People's Government of Beijing Municipality, Capinfo actively offers safe and credible cloud infrastructure and private cloud solutions to Beijing municipal domestic funded and state-owned enterprises. We provide enterprises with digital platform solutions concerning online control (regulation over decision making on “decisions on major matters, appointment and removal of important leaders, decisions on investment in major projects and use of large sums of money, operation regulation and dynamic control over large sums of money), digital operations (e.g. integrated business and finance platforms) and collaborative services (media convergence, marketing and mobile platforms, etc.), where promising outcomes have been achieved in practices.

Based on our digital collaborative innovation cloud solutions, we have developed special big data solutions specific to government authorities as well as state-owned enterprises engaged in people’s livelihoods and urban management. We can provide our users with multiple types of services, including VR visualization, smart data search, customization of application scenarios and multidimensional data analysis, to make big data operation and analysis, forecast, warning and command scheduling possible in specific application scenarios. So far, we have successfully practised these solutions in governmental and corporate applications, including Huitian Brain, Smart Regulation over Medical Insurance of Dongcheng District and Digital Longfu Temple.


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