Integrated “Internet plus credit-based medical” settlement platform

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In light of “long queue time for registration, long wait time for diagnosis, examination, examination, payment and drug purchase as well as short time for physicians’ diagnosis”, which arouse great concerns among patients, Capinfo developed the first integrated “Internet plus credit-based medical settlement” platform as a pioneer of “credit-based medical treatment” in 2017. Interfaced with financial loan organizations such as banks and integrated with internal information systems of hospitals, this platform is accessible to medical institutions, the general public, financial organizations, third party payment organizations and credit guarantee institutions. Making medical services such as “registration, examination, treatment and drug taking” available, it has made a major change, namely replacing the traditional medical settlement model with credit-based medical management model. With the support of the Health Commission of Changping District, Beijing, the efforts focused on developing and promoting “healthy credit-based medical services in Changping District” in 2019. Widely applied in community health service systems and organizations of Changping District, this platform has yielded desirable outcomes in practices. It has taken the lead in making medical services expedient for people and creating “smart medicine”. In 2021, the platform was successfully promoted in Beijing Shijingshan Hospital. With the support of this platform, this hospital became one of the first trial municipal hospitals. Further highlighting characteristics and advantages of “credit-based medical” settlement model, this platform has provided a new-generation expedient medical treatment mode (by which payment is made after diagnosis and treatment) for patients, making medical services more convenient.


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