Services of a big screen system named “Huitian Brain”

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In 2020, we fully commenced our construction of the big screen system “Huitian Brain” according to spirit of important instructions of Beijing Municipal Committee and Government for “managing Huitian with big data”. In 2021, we completed the system construction. Thus, the system has fully supported holistic overview, situational awareness, risk warning and trend judgment, so as to truly driven regional grassroots governance with big data and keep informative about general situation of Huitian. Based on our ideas for constructing “Huitian Brain” and the functional model of this big screen system, we have turned “Huitian Brain” into a platform for “viewing situation” of Huitian. Breaking through the traditional hierarchical scheduling, this system has fully made grid-based and elaborate scheduling and command possible. Directly communicating requests to the first-line, it makes breakthroughs in operations and effectively improves efficiency of government work. At present, the new system has been fully launched online and used specific to Huitian.


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