Focus on “creating value for customers”
Empowering smart city construction with next-gen technology

With the focus on “creating value for customers”, we uphold being “faithful, creative, outstanding and dedicated”.

Based on this core concept, we fully develop series of extraordinary products mainly dependent upon our abilities to use technologies such as big data and artificial technologies, to lay a solid foundation for building smart cities. By consolidating our business foundation in integrated government, smart government service halls and prompt response to complaints via the hotline 12345, we effectively strengthen functions of our independent technologies and middleground products for holistic leading, incubation and empowerment. Under the background of “new smart cities”, we have integrated cloud computing, big data, microservices and so on, thus launching “Shouxintong”, a product with functions for instant messaging, video conferences and meeting room management. Closely keeping up with the development trend of the smart city Beijing, we are dedicated to creating series of products specific to Capinfo’s city brain with superior ecological resources, in an attempt to make breakthroughs in technological innovations of city brain construction and improve operational efficiency.

We are dedicated to building a safe, credible and critical cloud infrastructure service platform.

Continuously endow all major systems of electronic certificates for national basic medical insurance, Internet-based medical insurance reimbursement, government affairs and housing provident funds in Beijing, to guarantee “cloud security” of approximately 700 information systems of over 100 government authorities of Beijing which have been onboarded to thee cloud. Strive to promote vigorous development of services in cloud for medical insurance, judicial cloud and enterprise cloud, to make support available to a greater extent.

Integrated Network Platform
Specialize in outputting high-quality service platforms- integrated network platforms

The platforms are covered by cabled and wireless government networks. Having been accessible to 15,685 users (including 6,460 municipal organizations and 9,225 regional organizations), our cabled private government network has data, audio, video and image related functions. Based on the LTE B-TrunC standards, we have launched a wireless private government network to improve our quality standards. By continuously providing cities with guarantees for efficient high-quality B-TrunC and visual command scheduling services, we have consolidated our advantageous position in the industry in private broadband digital trunking networks with the most business systems and users in China.

Smart government affairs
“Smart government affairs” facilitate construction of “smart government”

It is in line with the needs for developing core functions of the capital (Beijing) to constantly improve overall operation and maintenance of e-infrastructure and smart weak current facilities in administrative offices of city subcenters. We continuously construct high-quality acceptance systems for the citizen hotline “12345”, single-window system for all services and service capability enhancement and so on to make the services smarter and smarter. With deep integration technologies, we build macroeconomic big data platforms and expand basic blockchain service platforms with all levels of governments, having achieved outcomes in intelligence and optimized the “Beijing template”. We continuously accumulate experience in management, operation and comprehensive data application of key systems for points-based settlement, talent introduction, management of examination affairs and civil servants in Beijing, having accumulated industry advantages. We are responsible for operating housing public fund systems of several big cities of China, especially Beijing. Making constant innovations in optimizing operation modes of systems, we keep ourselves on the right path to national business development and creation of excellent products. Being open-minded, we stride forward in cloud operation and actively drive widespread promotion and application of reproducible smart products. 

Smart medicine
“Smart medicine” fully promotes development of “reliable and expedient medical services”

We have continuously supported implementation of major reform measures in China, to ensure stable and safe operations of major systems such as medical insurance system and Jingyitong. We fully take initiatives to make customers of medical insurance more satisfied with and dependent upon our services. We use new microservice technologies for ensuring steady operation of the system for settling medical treatment with electronic certificates for national basic medical insurance. We actively promote construction of important systems for non-local outpatient services, expansion of medical services and trial “settlement by face scanning”. We actively implement the projects for retired military officers’ real-time settlement of medical services with electronic certificates and settlement of interprovincial hospitalization and non-local medical services. We vigorously expand construction of Internet plus commercial insurance platforms and constantly enhance innovation of business models. We actively participate in construction of “health cloud” and provide online and offline integrated medical environment for Beijing citizens. Meanwhile, we actively develop businesses outside Beijing and strive to promote applications of national platforms in medical insurance platforms of different provinces. We will continue expanding opportunities for informatization of medical institutions and develop Capinfo’s own electronic bills. 

Smart Governance
“Smart governance” escorts governance of city operations

We were deeply involved in pilot construction of “Beijing City Brain” and seized the chances we obtained in constructing “Huitian Brain”. At last, we made breakthroughs in multiple aspects of multifunctional applications, including holistic overview, situational awareness, risk warning and trend judgment, accumulating advantages and experience in the general construction. We have supported construction of “small city brains” for industries and small areas, and constantly improved application of smart technologies. We have offered continuous service guarantees to major activities and events of China and Beijing. We fully supported preparatory work for “smart Winter Olympics”, construction and long-term use of smart venues with outstanding technologies. We guaranteed smooth communication of government orders with efficient and stable high-quality video conference services. We have expanded construction outcomes and service scope of the “Xueliang projects”, to make constant contributions to smart security protection. We have been exploring how to support environmental governance with AI technologies, including dust control, smart water management and creative governance applications, so we have accumulated rich feasible experience on governance optimization.

Smart enterprises
“Smart enterprises” speed up and promote “digital transformation” of enterprises

On the premise of serving Beijing municipal governments well, we strive to expand our market among enterprises. Focusing on informatization of state-owned enterprises in our businesses, we have constantly opened up new fields and maintained creative development in fund management and regulation. Based on the “Zhan e” plan of State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of People's Government of Beijing Municipality, we have actively expanded our businesses and made great achievements. For the existing 16 Class 1 enterprises of Beijing we served, we made great efforts to expand our cooperation. Finally, we have developed solutions to informatization of state-owned enterprises which integrate information-based top-down design, website construction, operation and maintenance services, safe and reliable cloud services as well as data governance services. We have sped up enterprises’ digital transformation so that they will exhibit competitive advantages.

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