Li Xiaojun

Date: January.31,2024

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 Li Xiaojun
Product director  Li Xiaojun

Mr. Li Xiaojun, born in February 1976, holds a bachelor of engineering degree in Mechanical Design and Manufacturing from Shenyang University of Technology. He joined our company in December 2023 and currently serves as the product director.

He formerly served as the chief technology officer, director of product development, software architect, and chief product officer of Shenyang Yousi Technology Electronics Co., Ltd., software architect of Oydsoft., software architect and director of Leading Technology Application Innovation Center of Neusoft Corporation, director of Cloud Platform R&D Department, product manager of experience manager virtual company , general manager of the Palm Cloud Hospital business department, and general manager and vice president of the intelligent healthcare product center of Neusoft Xikang Healthcare Technology Co.,Ltd., and vice president of Manniu Health.

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